importance of regular exercise
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Want to feel better, have more energy and even add years to your life? Just exercise.

Below are benefits of exercise (importance of regular exercise).

  1. Lowers blood pressure
  2. Lowers Cholesterol
  3. Increases High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL or “good” blood cholesterol)
  4. Reduces Risk of Coronary Artery Disease
  5. Increases Heart Efficiency and Lowers Resting Heart Rate
  6. Strengthens Heart Muscles
  7. Improves the contractility of the heart
  8. Strengthens the lungs
  9. Improves respiratory functions
  10. Improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the circulatory system
  11. Brings more oxygen to the body, including organs and muscles
  12. Ensures better supply of nutrients to the body
  13. Reduces the risk of stroke
  14. Helps relieve varicose veins
  15. Speeds up metabolism
  16. Stimulates digestion
  17. Makes digestion more efficient
  18. Stimulates bowel movements, resulting in better waste elimination
  19. Reduces colon cancer
  20. Strengthens and builds muscle
  21. Increases muscle capacity
  22. Helps joints by having stronger muscles
  23. Helps maintain healthy cartilage in joints
  24. Reduces muscle tension
  25. Relieves back problems
  26. Increases muscle flexibility and mobility
  27. Improves muscle contraction speed and reaction time
  28. Healthier skin as pores open more during exercise, resulting in more efficient removal of dirt and impurities
  29. Relieves inflammation and removes toxins from the body
  30. Increases blood flow to the brain
  31. Stimulates the growth of nerve cells in the memory center of the brain
  32. Improves various indexes of psychological functioning
  33. Enhances brain functioning by increasing the amount of oxygen available to it
  34. Increases sense of well being
  35. Relieves boredom
  36. Reduces worry and tension
  37. Reduces stress by removing lactic acid from the blood
  38. Relieves anxiety and/or pain as the calming effects of exercise last for several hours
  39. Improves mood
  40. Reduces Anxiety More Effectively and Safely Than Anti-Anxiety Drugs
  41. Increases Energy
  42. Improves Self-Esteem and Confidence as the Body and Mind Are Enhanced and Strengthened
  43. Increases Self-Control
  44. Provides Joy and Pleasure
  45. Release anger and negative emotions.

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